Student Accounts



The College has a modest scholarship and awards program. Most of the awards are given to continuing students; however, there are some scholarships available to freshmen or transfer students. Freshmen and transfers should consult the Office of Admissions regarding scholarships. Information and application forms for continuing student scholarships and awards are available in the offices of all academic departments and in the Financial Aid Office during the months of February and/or March.

Students who are receiving scholarships from other sources must send documentation to the Office of Student Accounts regarding the amounts, conditions, and funding sources of such scholarships, so that we may defer that portion of the student's bill and work with the funding source to ensure payment to the College.

**Please note: Scholarship monies are included in financial aid award calculations, and may affect the amount of a student's financial aid award. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with questions regarding scholarships and potential changes in award packages.