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Effectively communicating the University’s messages in harmony with the College’s identity, mission and vision.

Office of Communication & Marketing

Experts by Topic


Hamilton Stapell, History (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2597
  E-mail Address: stapellh@newpaltz.edu


Janice W. Anderson, Communication (Associate Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3463
  Home Phone: 845-564-1664
  E-mail Address: andersoj@newpaltz.edu

NMR Spectroscopy

Daniel Freedman, Chemistry (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3795
  E-mail Address: freedmad@newpaltz.edu

Non-governmental organizations

Serife Ilgu Ozler, Political Science (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2635
  Home Phone: 845-943-9616
  E-mail Address: ozleri@newpaltz.edu

nonconsensual intimate image sharing

Anna Gjika, Sociology (Assistant Professor)
  Home Phone: 917-582-1437
  E-mail Address: gjikaa@newpaltz.edu