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Our Certification Assistance webpage provides detailed information regarding teacher certification at SUNY New Paltz. The Office of Teaching Initiatives has a Certification Start to Finish page on the teacher certification process in NYS that will answer most of your questions beyond what's below.

Please click on the links below to navigate to more information on the following certification topics:

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) requires teachers to obtain certification before they can teach in public schools. The steps to become recommended for certification by SUNY New Paltz involve the following: 

You must complete one of our accredited programs of study in education, including an acceptable academic major, the required pedagogical coursework, the Child Abuse ID, SAVE, DASA, and Health & Safety Ed workshops, student teaching placements, and a conferred degree upon graduation.

Notice of Education Program Changes:
Because teacher education certification programs and requirements may change, it is the teacher candidate’s responsibility to stay up to date on all requirements necessary for graduation and certification, including details for fingerprints, workshops, certificate applications and exams. Education majors should consult with the appropriate program coordinator, attend advising sessions and certification Q&As, and make regular appointments with their advisors. All certification questions should be directed to the Certification Advisor Chris Whitaker at . The Education Preparation Unit will comply with any new SUNY or NYSED regulations required to complete the appropriate programs to be recommended for certification. Efforts will be made to update education majors on any changes in program requirements, but teacher candidates are ultimately responsible for meeting all program requirements.


FINGERPRINTS:* (See note below)
All teacher candidates must be fingerprinted through Identogo upon acceptance into an education degree program. First, you need to self-register to create a TEACH Login Account before getting fingerprinted. Use your entire name as it appears on your driver's license or state ID.
Then make an appointment through Identogo using the Certification Service Code (14ZGQT) and URL. Here is the current list of locations.

Remember: Your fingerprints must be verified on your TEACH Account, and a screenshot of them must be sent to the Office of Fieldwork at to be documented on your campus record before starting any fieldwork placement. To clarify: your fingerprints are not cleared once on your TEACH Account, just received and available. Only school districts can run a Clearance Check on your fingerprints. If you have other questions, please refer to the helpful and detailed FAQ on the fingerprinting system.

*Please note: This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.  If applicants have concerns about this matter, (or any past legal or background history) please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.



NYSED now requires all teacher certification workshops be documented on your transcripts, rather than on your Teach Account. Having them on your Teach Account is no longer necessary or encouraged.

Health & Safety Education Workshops: If you are a candidate in one of our undergraduate approved teacher preparation programs, or ANY graduate program that recommends for an Initial certificate, you must pass a 0-credit course called EDI095 Training in Health & Safety Education in order to graduate. Register for EDI095 on your account under Education Interdisciplinary. (This course is required for the School Counseling, Speech & Learning Disabilities, and School Leadership programs as well.)

Child Abuse Identification Workshop (CA ID), School Violence Prevention (SAVE) and Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
trainings need to be completed for your fieldwork observations and for graduation.

The recently updated 2024 CA ID workshop (also called Mandated Reporter) is now offered for FREE by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services. Follow these directions to complete it: * Be sure to save a copy of the workshop certificate of completion at the end of the training to document it on your transcripts! (See below on how to document your workshops.*)

SAVE (also called Violence Workshop) is offered online   Enter the registration code NewPaltz9 for the special New Paltz rate. This code only works for SUNY New Paltz students. (See below on how to document your workshops on your record here.*)

DASA (also called Dignity for All Students Act) campus workshops are offered virtually each semester. For Spring 2025: Mar 2 or Mar 30. Proof of completion will be documented on your transcripts and also reported to your TEACH Accounts once the workshops are completed. Register for either one with your credit card at this link.***

***For DASA only: If you received a PELL Grant or an Excelsior Scholarship this year, please email in a copy of your award letter to to register and have the DASA workshop fee waived. The document must include both your name, N#, the title your award, and a copy of your award letter (see

If neither of these DASA dates work for you, here's a link to the complete list of approved DASA training providers:

Autism: The Needs of Students with Autism Workshop: This training needs to be completed for graduation and recommendation by Special Education/Students with Disabilities and Speech & Language Disabilities teacher candidates only. For Spring 2025, a FREE and approved Needs of Students with Autism workshop will be offered in-person in Old Main B125 on Wednesday Mar 5 from 5-8:00 PM.

In-person Autism workshops are offered locally a couple of times each semester by the Center for Spectrum Services

Otherwise, take the Autism workshop online at  Enter the registration code NewPaltz9 for the reduced New Paltz rate. This code only works for SUNY New Paltz students. See below on how to document your workshops.*

*For all off-campus workshops, you must have your Child Abuse, SAVE, DASA, and/or Autism workshop documented on your permanent record here for graduation by sending a copy of your workshop certificate of completion to Records and Registration in Wooster Hall 115, or by emailing it to  Please send the request from your email account, which will allow them to authenticate your identity.


Our Student Application Information Sheets give step-by-step directions on how to apply for the appropriate teaching certificate and include the specific Program Code that corresponds to your registered degree and program at SUNY New Paltz.

The time to apply for your teaching certificate on your TEACH Account has changed to after you've been recommended for certification by Records & Registration, so wait until 10 days after graduation before applying. You can apply for certification before taking or passing the NYSTCE exams.

TEACH Account New Password Reset:
There's a self-service feature for students to retrieve their TEACH account user IDs and passwords with no waiting for email responses.

Receiving Your Teaching Certificate:
Records & Registration will recommend you for certification after your degree has been conferred (usually one to two weeks after grades are submitted), and then NYSED requires about 7 days to evaluate your application. Check your TEACH account "Evaluation History" for details on the processing of your application, as you may be missing a requirement, such as a workshop or a test. If all the requirements are met, you will be given a control number on your TEACH account, which you can use as verification for job applications. Log in to your account.

NYSED no longer prints and delivers paper certificates for time-limited certificates such as Initial & Provisional. If you need an original document, you can apply for a duplicate or printed copy of your certificate.


Candidates for certification must achieve passing scores on the appropriate tests in the New York State Teacher Certification Examination (NYSTCE) program. Start by creating an account that matches your TEACH Account at NYSTCE program.

Here are the testing requirements for each certificate

Candidates will need to pass the EAS and the corresponding CST tests to become certified.

*TSSLD candidates will take the Praxis II exam for Speech-Language Pathology rather than the CST, but this is required at the Professional certificate level. The Institution/Recipient code for the New York State Office of Teaching Initiatives is: 7737.

School Leadership Assessments (SLA)
Passing scores on both the SDBL, SDL & SBL Revised Parts I and II are NO LONGER required for the CAS degree and certificate recommendation
. However, School Leadership candidates do still need to pass the EAS for both the SDL and SBL certifications.



Before testing, check out NYSTCE's test preparation guides and test frameworks to know how to pace yourself.

Preparation for the EAS:
Here are the test preparation materials for the EAS.
In addition to prepare for the demands of the English Language Learner portion of the EAS (Educating All Students) test, please refer to this PowerPoint on ELL for EAS training. And here are the documents from our EAS training with Dr. Isaac: Eas Study Guide, Eas Rubric, RTI Pamphlet, EAS Review Ppt by Dr. Isaac.

Preparation for CSTs:
For preparation guides, test frameworks, passing scores, practice tests, and retake options for all of the CSTs, please select the CST you need to take from the NYSTCE drop-down list and click "GO."

Preparation for SLAs: For the dual School Leadership program SBLSDL. And for the School Business SDBL program.

Test Score Reports: NYSTCE test score reports are released according to the following schedules.


***New TEST SAFETY NETS (for Failed or Not Taken Exams):

The safety net passing score for the EAS is 500. Candidates may use the EAS safety net passing score until the revised EAS-II test becomes operational.


All students must apply for graduation and submit their Degree Application on The degree application information is available on the Records and Registration website. You cannot get a College Recommendation for Certification from Rec&Reg without first submitting a Degree Application and having a conferred degree, whether or not you have completed the necessary coursework. 

Teacher Certification Recommendation Authorization Form:
Remember: SUNY New Paltz cannot recommend you for certification without your permission. Be sure to "sign" / "click" on the release when applying for graduation above, authorizing SUNY New Paltz to recommend you. If you forget to do this, here's how to fix that:
1.   Log into
2.   Click the Students tab if you are not there already
3.   Click School of Education (on the left under RESOURCES)
4.   Click Teacher Certification Recommendation Authorization Form and follow the instructions on the page.

Degree Verification: SUNY New Paltz provides Enrollment and Degree Verification. Please send the request from your email account, which will allow Records & Registration to authenticate your identity.

Receiving Your Teaching Certificate:
Records & Registration will recommend you for certification after graduation (usually one to two weeks after), and then NYSED requires about 7 days to evaluate your application. Check your TEACH account "Evaluation History" for details on the processing of your application, as you may be missing a requirement, such as a workshop or a test. If all the requirements are met, you will be given a control number on your TEACH account, which you can use as verification for job applications. Log in to your account.



Candidates must complete at least three years of acceptable teaching experience or its equivalent (540 full-time days) for Professional certification. Full-time and part-time experiences in any subject area are acceptable. School districts must verify your experience directly on your Teach Account.

Candidates will also need a completed master's degree and a 1-year mentoring experience when they apply for their first Professional certification. Public school employers are responsible for reporting mentored experience for their certificate holders and should use the TEACH system to report the verification.  

Certificate Progression:
If you weren't recommended for a Professional certification that you need to progress from Initial, see our step-by-step CertificateProgressionSP2023 directions (still valid!) on how to progress your Initial certification to Professional using a master’s degree in a different teachable content area from your bachelor's degree. Please send documentation to NYSED to complete your application following these guidelines.

Teacher Registration:
Every teacher applying for Professional certification must now register with NYSED and apply for initial registration during his/her month of birth and renew his/her registration in the last year of each subsequent five-year period thereafter. Find out more about teacher registration here.

Professional Development for Professional Certificate Holders:
Professional certificate holders in all classroom teaching and school leader titles must complete and keep a record of all Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) or professional development during their Professional Development Period. 100 hours every 5 years are needed to maintain a Professional certificate and for teachers and school leaders to re-register their Professional certifications. Here are the options for acceptable CTLE. All CTLE must be completed with Approved Sponsors and reported using the required form. Please use the tracking form for your own records. Here’s a useful FAQ on Registration and CTLE requirements.


The College can recommend you only for the specific title and type of certification which corresponds to your program. If you are seeking to add other certifications, you must apply directly to NYSED online. To identify the specific requirements needed for any given certificate, check NYSED's search certification requirements. See our step-by-step Additional Certificate Directions 2019 (still valid!) on how to apply for an additional certificate. Please send documentation to NYSED to complete your application following these guidelines.



Out-of-State Certification:
Please review SUNY New Paltz's Professional Licensure & Certification Disclosures for out-of-state residents enrolled in any of our teacher education programs as well as our July 2024 Out-of-State Mandatory Eligibility Disclosure Statement.

Interstate Reciprocity:
Those wishing to teach in states other than New York should check the information on each state's reciprocity agreement with New York.

Out-of-State Verification:
Those finding employment as teachers in states other than New York should send the out-of-state verification forms to Bethanne Delgaudio at in Records and Registration for the signature of the certification officer and the university seal (an original signature is sometimes required). Please send the request from your email, which will allow Records & Registration to authenticate your identity.


Undergraduate degree programs at SUNY New Paltz that lead to Initial certification include:

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (Birth-6)

Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Art in Adolescence Education (7-12)

Bachelor of Science in Art Education (Pre-K-12)

For graduate degree programs at SUNY New Paltz that lead to Initial and Professional certification, including teacher education, school counseling, school leadership, and speech and language disabilities, please check the Graduate School's website.


School of Education Certification Advisor Contact Information: Chris Whitaker, Old Main Building Room 218C, available Mon-Fri 2:00-5:00 for appointments:

NYSED Office of Teacher Initiatives: 518-474-3901

SAVE Workshop online

Child Abuse Workshop online 

DASA Workshop online

Autism Workshop online

Registration for Teacher Certification Exams

Records & Registration: Wooster Hall Room 115. 845-257-3100.

Commencement Information: 845-257-3972