Residence Life

Residence Halls

» Health and Safety Guidelines

There are 14 residence halls on the New Paltz campus.  This allows students to choose from a variety of living options, including, corridor or suite style, or special interest group housing.

All residence halls are coed.  Each residence hall offers a number of student-oriented facilities and services including a kitchen, laundry room, computer terminals, a main meeting lounge for meetings and activities, as well as a study lounge.

There are three residence life complexes on the New Paltz campus: Parker Complex, Hasbrouck Complex and South Complex.


Bliss Hall

Bouton Hall

Capen Hall

Gage Hall

Scudder Hall

Shango/College Hall


Ashokan Hall

Awosting Hall

Minnewaska Hall

Mohonk Hall

Shawangunk Hall


Esopus Hall

Lenape Hall

Ridgeview Hall

Parker Complex:
The Parker Complex is comprised of six residence halls: Bliss HallBouton HallCapen HallGage HallScudder Hall and Shango/College Hall. All are traditional corridor style residence halls with a single sex bathroom shared by all residents of the floor. Rooms are adjacent to each other with an entrance/exit onto a common hallway.

Parker Corridor Room Diagram *


Peregrine Complex:
The Peregrine Complex is comprised of five suite style residence halls: Ashokan Hall, Awosting Hall, Minnewaska Hall, Mohonk Hall, and Shawangunk Hall. Suites are comprised of two, three or four bedrooms, a small lounge/living room area and a bathroom with shower shared by the residents of the suite.  

Peregrine Suite Diagram


South Complex:
The South Complex consists of Esopus Hall, Lenape Hall and Ridgeview Hall

Esopus Hall rooms are corridor style rooms. Each hallway/house contains four clusters of rooms. A cluster consists of four or five rooms that surround, but are not directly connected to a public bathroom.

Lenape hall consists of two types of designed triple occupancy rooms.

Lenape Corridor Style rooms consist of a large L-shaped bedroom and a bathroom that are shared by the three students living in the room.

Lenape Suite Style rooms are quad rooms comprised of a two bedrooms, a common room and a bathroom. Each bedroom will house two students, who will each get their own loft bed set-up.  Loft set-ups are a bed raised five feet with a desk and dresser placed underneath.  Each loft will have a ladder attached.

Ridgeview Hall rooms are corridor style rooms with a similar style to Esopus Hall. Each hallway/house contains 8 – 9 bathrooms, each of which service 2-3 bedrooms. Though the bathrooms are near 2-3 rooms, they are not directly connected to any of the bedrooms and are lockable, single user public bathrooms.


Esopus and Ridgeview Room Diagram *

Lenape Corridor Triple w/Bathroom Diagram *

Lenape Suite Triple with Bathroom Diagram *

Lenape 4-person suite with bathroom *