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Experts by Topic

England (Great Britain) and its Empire to 1837

L. H. Roper, History (University Professor)
  E-mail Address: roperl@newpaltz.edu


Paul Chauvet, IT / Computer Services
  Office Phone: 845-257-3828
  E-mail Address: chauvetp@newpaltz.edu

Early Modern Britain

L. H. Roper, History (University Professor)
  E-mail Address: roperl@newpaltz.edu

East Asia

Kristine Harris, History (Associate Professor)
  E-mail Address: harrisk@newpaltz.edu


David Richardson, Biology (Professor)
  E-mail Address: richardsond@newpaltz.edu


Edith Kuiper, Economics (Associate Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2378
  E-mail Address: kuipere@newpaltz.edu


David Richardson, Biology (Professor)
  E-mail Address: richardsond@newpaltz.edu

Eighteenth-century art

Reva Wolf, Art History (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3877
  E-mail Address: wolfr@newpaltz.edu

Electrical energy conversion

Hassan Kalhor, Engineering Programs (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3721
  Home Phone: 845-255-9251
  E-mail Address: kalhorh@engr.newpaltz.edu

Electrical power

Hassan Kalhor, Engineering Programs (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3721
  Home Phone: 845-255-9251
  E-mail Address: kalhorh@engr.newpaltz.edu

Electronic Music

Robert Lukomski, Music
  E-mail Address: lukomskr@zmail.newpaltz.edu

English as a Second Language

Aiko Pletch, English as a Second Language (Lecturer)
  E-mail Address: pletcha1@newpaltz.edu


Aaron Haselton, Biology (Associate Professor)
  E-mail Address: haseltoa@newpaltz.edu


Irwin Sperber, Sociology (Associate Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2772
  Home Phone: 845-255-4371
  E-mail Address: sperberi@newpaltz.edu

Environmental movement

Brian Obach, Sociology (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3447
  Home Phone: 845-255-7492
  E-mail Address: obachb@newpaltz.edu

Environmental Policy

Lawrence McGlinn, Geography and Environmental Studies (Assistant Professor)
  E-mail Address: mcglinnl@newpaltz.edu

Environmental Science

David Richardson, Biology (Professor)
  E-mail Address: richardsond@newpaltz.edu

environmental sensors

David Richardson, Biology (Professor)
  E-mail Address: richardsond@newpaltz.edu


Brian Obach, Sociology (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3447
  Home Phone: 845-255-7492
  E-mail Address: obachb@newpaltz.edu

Irwin Sperber, Sociology (Associate Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2772
  Home Phone: 845-255-4371
  E-mail Address: sperberi@newpaltz.edu


Aiko Pletch, English as a Second Language (Lecturer)
  E-mail Address: pletcha1@newpaltz.edu


Tressa Coulter, Biology
  E-mail Address: coultert@newpaltz.edu


Eugene Heath, Philosophy (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2981
  Home Phone: 845-255-4967
  E-mail Address: heathe@newpaltz.edu

Ethnic identity

Gerald Sorin, History (Distinguished Teaching Professor)
  Home Phone: 845-255-5016
  E-mail Address: gsorin@hvc.rr.com

European history

Hamilton Stapell, History (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2597
  E-mail Address: stapellh@newpaltz.edu

EUV Photoresists

Daniel Freedman, Chemistry (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3795
  E-mail Address: freedmad@newpaltz.edu


Hamilton Stapell, History (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2597
  E-mail Address: stapellh@newpaltz.edu

Evolution and Behavior; Evolution Education; Teaching; Intimate relationships

Glenn Geher, Psychology (Professor)
  E-mail Address: geherg@newpaltz.edu

Glenn Geher, Psychology (Professor)
  E-mail Address: geherg@newpaltz.edu

Experimental Music

Robert Lukomski, Music
  E-mail Address: lukomskr@zmail.newpaltz.edu

extended learning

Wendy Vierow, Assessment & Strategic Planning
  E-mail Address: vieroww@newpaltz.edu