Academic Program Planning

Getting Started

APLI can assist you with your course proposal needs whether you are developing a new course or revising an existing course (which can include freezing a course or re-activating a frozen course).  New course proposals, revisions of existing courses, or freezing/unfreezing courses may or may not accompany new program proposals or program revisions. 

Talk to Your Academic Dean, Department Chair, and/or Program Coordinator

All new and revised academic program proposals must have the support and input of the Academic Dean(s).  If your new/revised course is part of a new or revised program, your first step is to visit with your Academic Dean.  If your new/revised course is NOT part of a larger program development or revision, then it may only be necessary to first visit with your Department Chair and/or Program Coordinator.

Schedule a Meeting with APLI

Once you have the support of your academic division (Program Coordinator, Chair, and/or Dean), your next step is to contact Academic Planning & Learning Innovation (APLI).  If your course is Graduate-level, you may start by contacting Vika Shock at or Shala Mills at   If your course is Undergraduate-level, you may start by contacting Val McAllister at or Shala Mills at