Hudson Valley Writing Project

Empire State Writing Project Network
Empire State Writing Project Network

Who We Are:

The Empire State Writing Project Network (ESWPN) is a network of New York State sites affiliated with the National Writing Project. Each NWP site is a partnership of college or university and pre-K – 12 teachers in all disciplines devoted to the improvement of teaching and learning in schools and districts. Because our sites link educators at all levels of the system, we are uniquely positioned to create and provide teachers and schools with clinically rich, research-based, and timely professional learning.

ESWPN is uniquely positioned to help NYS teachers and schools:

  • Align curriculum, instruction, assessment, and teacher evaluation guidelines suggested by Common Core State Standards for literacy
    and learning.
  • Develop and implement effective techniques for writing, thinking, and assessment to improve the learning of students of all ages and
    in all subject areas.
  • Establish sustainable professional development programs that build local capacity for improving curriculum and instruction, and student
  • Incorporate digital tools in effective ways to support 21st century learners in all subject areas.

Member Sites: