Bachelor of Fine Art in Ceramics (BFA)
A Professional Studio Practice Degree in Ceramics

The Ceramics BFA Program offers studies in a dynamic and supportive community environment that engages a variety of forms, ideas, modes, and technologies across the ceramics field. The program fosters student artistic growth and professional development through a thoughtful inquiry of materials, processes, and meaning.
Led by Professor Bryan Czibesz and including Lecturer Lilly Zuckerman and Emerita Professor Anat Shiftan, our distinguished faculty work with students to inspire curiosity, creative problem solving, and develop their own authentic expression in clay. Spacious, well-equipped studios for fabrication and clay and glaze formulation allow students to work at any scale and pursue a range of firings in gas, wood, soda, and electric kilns.
The broad curriculum includes courses in pottery, sculpture, mold making, digital design, and 3D printing, which encourages risk taking and gives students a range of tools to achieve their vision. The curriculum is supported by a rich visiting artist program, frequent trips to major museums, galleries, private collections, artist studios, production facilities, and historical and industrial sites, as well as internships, apprenticeships, and studio assistantships that give students practical professional experience.
Our BFA students are empowered to create their own successful path as studio practitioners, teachers, creative professionals, and stewards of their communities.