Writing a Resume and Cover Letter

Creating Your Resume
A resume is a marketing tool that highlights the aspects of your background you wish to draw to an employer’s attention. It is a connection between YOU & your intended AUDIENCE.
For information regarding resume format and content, use our Resume Writing Guide, and review sample resumes by content area
Automatic Tracking Systems (ATS)
98% of Fortune 500 companies use automatic Tracking Systems (i.e. scan resumes using keyword search software) and this practice is becoming commonplace with employers in every sector. Job seekers need to be aware of how this strategy is used by companies and how not to get past the ATS bots and into the hands of a hiring manager. Human Resources Today provides a comprehensive overview of facts about and tactics you can use to get past the ATS hurdle.
References or statements such as "References on request" are no longer included on the resume (it is presumed by employers that you have references). Instead, prepare a REFERENCE LIST, in a separate document, that includes the names, addresses, and phone numbers of your references. This list should have the same paper, font and header as your resume.
Cover letters are marketing tools used to create interest in you as a candidate for jobs and/or internships and are an important part of the application process. Each cover letter you write must be unique. The goal is to motivate the recipient to review your resume and ultimately invite you for an interview. A good letter will clearly demonstrate how you fit with the particular organization and position you are applying to.
Steps to Writing a Strong Cover Letter
For information on what to include in your cover letter, formatting guidelines and to see an example use our Cover Letter Writing Guide.
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