Career Resource Center

First-Year Internship Program

First Year Internship Program Application 

What is this program?

First-year (non-transfer) undergraduate students can do a college-level internship during their second semester of college. The internship supervisors are employees who also earned one or both degrees from this college. << The application is closed for 2024. Incoming first-years students are welcome to apply in fall 2024 for the spring 2025 semester. >>

Where are the internships?
These internships are in a wide range of on-campus offices and departments. The internships for Spring 2025 are not finalized. Here is the list of First-Year Internship Program Internship Sites for 2023-2024. 

What is the time commitment?
First-Year Interns work 5 hours per week for 8-10 weeks during the spring semester to complete a minimum of 40 hours.  While the work is unpaid and not credit-bearing (volunteer), the experience that students gain can be instrumental in making career-related decisions, securing future internships, and building strong connections to the greater New Paltz community.

How can I apply?
Please look at the First-Year Internship Program Application Preparation Materials to see what you will need before you submit your application

What happens after I apply?
If the internship supervisors are interested in speaking with you, they will contact you in December for a job interview. Supervisors will select their top choices and share them with the Career Resource Center. We will make the final placement selections and notify students if they have been chosen as an intern.