
What Role Do I Play in the Purchasing Process?


What Role Do I Play in the Purchasing Process?

You are very important because you are our customer. Purchasing is here to both help and serve you. Although we exist in a bureaucratic environment with many rules and regulations, here's how we can work together to meet your needs:

a) Plan ahead. Make your major equipment purchases as early in the fiscal year as possible. All items to be bid should be submitted to Purchasing not later than April 1st. All other purchases should be made no later than May 31st. The SUNY fiscal year runs from July 1st - June 30th.

b) Base your specification on performance rather than brand.

c) Work with (in) the system. The job can be done when we work together.

d) Learn the system. There are rules, regulations and policies that govern how we purchase. As State employees, we are obligated to abide by them.

e) If you have any questions or concerns, contact us. We are here to help you obtain the goods and services that you need and expect.

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