2024 Convocation Ceremony

Convocation Ceremony

Convocation Ceremony

Convocation: Starting Our New Paltz Journey Together!

Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024

“Remember: You are writing your own story, with today as the beginning of your New Paltz chapter” – Dylan Rose ’16 (Mathematics)

What is Convocation?

New Student Convocation is like the first of two bookends of your University experience. In the same way our Commencement ceremony celebrates everything you accomplished along the way to earning your degree, Convocation celebrates who you are at the moment you became a New Paltz Hawk.

Becoming a college student is a major achievement, and something to be proud of! At Convocation we all come together – upper-class students, faculty, advisors and staff members, all the way up to the President – to honor that achievement for the more than 1,000 new students who are joining our campus community this fall.


A New Convocation for a New Era on Campus

We want this to be the day when New Paltz started to feel like home for our newest students; A day to learn about what our institution stands for; And a day to start building the relationships that are a foundation for your success here.

And most of all, we want it to be high-energy and fun – the kind of event that people get excited about each and every year.

We’re not just talking about students – faculty and staff are invited to join the celebration, meet new students, and help show them what a welcoming place SUNY New Paltz can be.



If you have accessibility questions or require accommodations to fully participate in this event, please contact Lisa Sandick at sandickl@newpaltz.edu as soon as possible.