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The address you attempted to access at SUNY New Paltz does not exist. This may have occured for a number of reasons:

  • If you followed a link here, two things may have happened. In either case, please report this to the webmaster, and reference the page you came from ().
    1. The link you followed was incorrectly entered by the author of the page.
    2. The link you followed was once correct but that resource has been removed from this site or moved elsewhere.
  • If you came here from a search engine, then most likely:
    1. The search engine listing was once correct, but that resource has moved from its original location or is no longer on our site.
  • If you typed the address by hand, several things may have happened:
    1. You may have made a typo in the address. This is easy to do, so please check it over to be sure that what you typed is correct.
    2. The address you entered was once correct but that resource has been removed from this site, or moved elsewhere.
    3. The address you entered was published in error.