Water Conservation

Facilities Management Domestic Water Conservation Strategies

Campus Design Standards

SUNY New Paltz Campus Design Standards for new construction and major renovation projects specify the following domestic water conservation measures:

  • Low flow faucets– Our standard faucet for bathrooms has a flow rate of 0.5 gallons per minute (gpm), well under the LEED maximum of 2 gpm for faucets.  Our standard faucets are equipped with automatic hands free sensors, so water only flows when demanded, or are self-closing/metered, so they automatically shut off after the programmed duration.  All faucets include water-saving aerators.
  • Low flow toilets– In public spaces such as academic buildings, our standard toilets flush automatically and have a flow rate of less than 1.3 gallons per flush (gpf).  Our standard toilets for residence halls are dual-flush toilets with two rates of flow: 1.1 gpf and 1.6 gpf.  Our toilet standards meet requirements for LEED.
  • High efficiency urinals– Our standard urinal is nearly waterless and has a flow rate of 0.125 gpf.
  • Low flow shower heads– Our standard shower heads use 1.5 gpm, under the LEED maximum of 2 gpm.

Specific Domestic Water Conservation Improvements to Date

  • Installed low-flow shower heads in all residence halls.
  • Installed low-flow, dual flush toilets and low flow, metered/self-closing faucets in Crispell Hall, LeFevre Hall, and Ridgeview Hall.
  • Installed water-saving aerators on all faucets.
  • Installed waterless urinals at Hasbrouck Dining Hall.
  • Renovated the bathrooms in Lecture Center, College Theater, and the Humanities Building including low-flow automatic (hands free) faucets and toilets.
  • Installed self-closing (water saving) faucets in the bathrooms of Sojourner Truth Library, Old Library, Fine Arts Building, and Old Main.
  • Installed low-flow toilets and urinals at Van Den Berg Hall, Esopus Hall, and Lenape Hall.
  • A 12,500-gallon rainwater cistern will be installed at the Wooster Science Building.  Rainwater collected from the roof will provide water to the low-flow toilets and urinals in Wooster.
  • All the major construction projects (including Wooster Science Building, the New Residence Hall, the New Science Building, LeFevre Hall, and Ridgeview Hall) meet campus design standards for toilets, urinals, faucets, and showers.