Study Abroad

Through SUNY New Paltz’s partnerships with other SUNY schools and the International Partnership for Service Learning, SUNY New Paltz students can participate in the following sustainability immersion experiences:

Coral Reef Biology and Ecology of Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras
Winter Session Program
SUNY Purchase
Coral reefs are among the largest, most impressive, most beautiful, and most endangered ecosystems on earth. One of the world’s most impressive coral reef systems is found in the western Caribbean, along the coast of Central America, and one of the most accessible parts of this reef is found close to shore on the island of Roatan, the largest of the three Bay Islands, about 30 miles off the coast of Honduras.  This program is a hands-on total immersion in the subject and the environment.  Study the biology and ecology of the living reef and live organisms, rather than learning about them from books and pictures; learn about the organisms that form the reef and live on it. Experience an entire ecosystem firsthand – the living coral reef. Immerse yourself in the environment and culture of a tropical Caribbean island.

Sustainability and Renewable Energy in Costa Rica
Winter Session Program
Stony Brook University
This program offers hands-on environmental learning experiences in an off-the-grid educational community. Students will learn about renewable energy, waste, and various organic and sustainable farming methods, including permaculture.  There will be lectures on renewable energy, triple bottom line business, slow food, economics and agriculture, green building, environmental literature, and community development.

Sociology of Food in London
Winter Session Program
University at Buffalo
This program is taught by award winning professor, Dr. Debra Street, and explores how food and water shape both everyday and exotic experiences in London and in the modern world. Students will study our perception of food and how it can be taken for granted with a sociological lens and systematic study that can give us new ways to understand how globalization has changed the ways people and societies produce, consume, and dispose of food, and why the future of food security has become such a critical area of study.  This program examines social and environmental factors of food including urban gardening and genetically modified foods

International Partnership for Service Learning – Undergraduate Programs
Through the International Partnership for Service Learning (IPSL), SUNY New Paltz students can participate in study abroad and service learning programs across the world that incorporate hands on service to promote equitable relationships, social justice, sustainable change, and a commitment to humanity. The program combines academic study with volunteer service. The programs incorporate sustainability, international development, and global understanding.

International Partnership for Service Learning – Graduate Programs
Through IPSL’s Graduate Program in International Development and Service, SUNY New Paltz students can participate in a program designed to meet the global demand for ethical leaders who can engage and facilitate partnership in global communities.