Records & Registration

Amending the major/minor plan

The undergraduate plan of study for both majors and minors is outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog. The Graduate program plan of study is outlined in the Graduate Catalog.


The progress report shows the major/minor as shown in the catalog for the date that the student declared the major or minor.  There are some occasions where the Advisor / Department Chair, and/or Associate Dean may request to change the approved plan:

  • substituting another course that meets the spirit of the major/minor requirement
  • exceptions to the major or minor (In special circumstances, an exception to a requirement may be requested.)


Note: All plan amendments should be submitted prior to the student applying for graduation.


To make a plan amendment, Go to > Faculty Services > Degree Works Progress Report Changes


Once the form is submitted by the Advisor / Department Chair, and/or Associate Dean, an email will confirm the submission to the student and advisor.  It may take up to two weeks before the plan amendments are reflected on the progress report.  When clarification is required, Records & Registration will contact the form initiator via the plan amendment form.