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Concert Series: Spring 2025
West Point Band
"Dance with Me"

With three performances in February, the West Point Band’s concert “Dance With Me” is an evening of music inspired by the rhythms of dance. The concert features classics like James Reese Europe’s lively “Castle House Rag” and Rachmaninoff’s sweeping “Symphonic Dance No. 1,” alongside “Hip Knot,” an original composition by the band’s Deputy Commander, CPT Philip Tappan. Staff Sgt. Francisco Aisporna brings vocal charm to Michael Bublé’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” and “Sinatra in Love,” while Staff Sgt. Patrick Sikes shines in Oscar Navarro’s “Concerto for Clarinet.” This dynamic program promises a celebration of music that moves us all. 


Free tickets @ door only

First-come, first-served

Event subject to change


Friday, Feb. 14

7:30 p.m.

Sensory Friendly Concert

The program will feature both student and community performers and offer ear plugs, sensory aids, and a quiet room in an effort to provide a positive, inclusive musical experience for every performer and audience member. 


Registration is free

Concert 2-3 p.m. 

Meet the Performers 3-3:30 p.m.

200 capacity


Sunday, April 27

2:00 p.m.

Studley Theatre

Ticket Information

  • $10 general admission, unless otherwise noted
  • SUNY New Paltz student tickets are free at the door. 1 ticket per student ID per event
  • Advance tickets are available online with a credit card
  • Cash, check (made payable to SUNY New Paltz) & credit card (AmericanExpress, DiscoverMasterCard & Visa) accepted at door unless otherwise noted
  • Tickets purchased online are delivered via print-at-home/mobile ticket (no will call)

*All events subject to change. Check this page for the most updated information.


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