Educational Opportunity Program

2015 Heiskell Award


 Due to efforts between the Study Abroad EOP Liaison, Clare Kelly-Barra, the EOP staff, Christian Wilwohl, Study Abroad Program Director, the Center for International Programs (CIP), and other campus offices the Educational Opportunity Program Office and the International Program Office have been recognized by the Institute of International Education, and have received the prestigious  2015 Heiskell Award. Dean of International Education Bruce Sillner "attributes the growth of study abroad at SUNY New Paltz to a “team effort,” undertaken by staff at CIP and EOP, the Offices of Student Accounts, Financial Aid and Records & Registration, and the diverse academic departments who help educate and prepare students for international study."

The award recognizes innovative and successful study abroad initiatives. The Institute of International Education noted "the Center for International Programs (CIP) has teamed up with the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), a SUNY wide program that serves academically and economically disadvantaged students, to reach out to students who may not have previously thought about studying abroad. The campus professionals who run these programs introduce students to international opportunities early on, and provide the customized services they need to take advantage of them. Staff members work closely together to advise students on financial matters, expectations, cross-cultural adjustment, and scholarship opportunities for study abroad by providing tutoring and financial resources."

 This best practices program has resulted in an increase in scholarship funding, study abroad participation, and service learning opportunities worldwide. The EOP study abroad website highlights our EOP study abroad scholars through personal narratives about their study abroad experiences. Also an interactive prezi presentation highlights where our students have traveled and studied. EOP Study Abroad Liaison Clare Kelly-Barra notes: "Study abroad internationalizes students. It broadens their experiences. Our students continue to travel after graduation, and they share with their peers about the value of international study and service learning.” Our EOP students are our study abroad ambassadors - they continue to make us proud!

Andrew Heiskell Award

SUNY New Paltz Press Release