Asian Studies

Courses > Perspectives

Since Asian Studies Majors take courses in a diverse range of disciplines and methodologies, several courses have been tailored to help ground students in a fundamental knowledge base and research skills specific to Asian Studies as a field. Each major is required to select at least one course (minimum 3 credits) from the current list of Asian Studies Perspectives Courses.

Courses currently designated as Asian Studies Perspectives Courses

200 level
•    ASN 200: Intro Asia  
•    HIS 200: Ancient World (Shimada)
•    HIS 216: Modern China (Harris)
•    ENG 211: Great Books Asian Classics (Fenkl)
300 level
•    POL365: International Politics of the Asia-Pacific (Schwartz)


Asian Studies Perspectives offers all Majors the opportunity to explore common points of focus and concern, and develop a common set of skills in pursuing research on Asia. The student can then carry over this knowledge and skills base into other Asian Studies work.

In addition to reinforcing program goals for our Majors, Asian Studies Perspectives courses also provide entry points for non-majors to recognize the value of area studies training, and promotes conversation among Asian Studies faculty from diverse disciplines about our respective methods in the study of Asia and our collective mission.

Principles informing Perspectives courses

Asian Studies Faculty have determined a set of principles and skills that dynamically inform the study of Asia across the disciplines. Courses that are infused with these principles will offer students a foundation in:

A)  Basic Knowledge about Asia -- to provide a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts and issues currently informing Asian Studies
B)  Information Literacy --
to provide course-specific research and analytical skills relating to Asia.

Designation process

Faculty who integrate these principles and skills into a portion of their course syllabus submit the syllabus to the Asian Studies faculty for consideration. After discussion and review, approved courses are designated on the major plan as Asian Studies Perspectives Courses. Asian Studies Program Faculty meet periodically to make new designations and review Perspectives criteria.